Saturday, September 15, 2012

Where Have I Been For the Past 6 Months You Ask?

Why, I have been at home :) been really busy with stuff lately, so if you missed me .. (my 1 follower) then miss me no more ^_^

I have been trying my luck with photography and although I have had no formal or fancy training I do quite enjoy a challenge. So I have been putting myself out there to work for free (everybody likes help when its for free) and what do you know? So far the past 6 months, I have worked for a magazine, taken some wedding photographs, today I was a lighting assistant which is pretty much the bum boy lol.. but I did have fun and everyone was so chill!  AND I emailed the photographer whom I think is AMAZING and I totally idolize him and he actually emailed me back and said "If you were living in Hawaii I would be glad to have you around on my shoots!" That was epic! 

So yeah thats ..I know it's not Faiaai related but I thought I would let my 1 loyal follower know the haps.. hahaha

Hope everyone has had a good year, month, week or even day! And boy does the year go by fast! 
Much alofas,

Here's a picture of me with a box on my head :D 

Soifua π